Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sirius: Home sweet Home

Ancient Dreadlocks

Avatar: Sirius, Mars, Kemet, Lemuria/2012

Orion, Sirius & The Pyramids Of Egypt

Orbit of Sirius Star in Quran 49.9 Years (Coincidence?)

Sqorpio1980 The Lord Of Sirius Hopi Blue Star Kachina



Astro Theology Shamanism Part: (2 Of 8 )

Astro Theology Shamanism Part: (1 Of 8 )

You Must Learn To Care pt.2 (Malachi Z. York)

You Must Learn To Care pt.1 (Malachi Z. York)

Little Green Men - Malachi York - Segment 2.mp4

Little Green Men - Malachi York - Segment 1.mp4

Science Of The Matrix, Masonry, Alchemy & Knowledge Of Self (The Philoso...

Autumn Equinox class pt.3 (Destruction of Your Music and Food)

The Invisible World Revealed Part 2

The Invisible World Revealed Part 1

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dangers of Processed Meat and Beef Products (All Jacked Up)

Processed Foods

Talking Fruit: How To Tell If Fruit Is Genetically Modified


Talking Fruit

How to de-code the information on those little stickers

While unpacking groceries, you pull out the bag of apples and decide to eat one then and there. You take it over to the sink, wash it off and -- with some effort -- peel off the little sticker. Pausing to look more closely at the sticker you wonder, "What do those numbers mean?"
As much as we may dislike them, the stickers or labels attached to fruit do more than speed up the scanning process at the checkout stand. The PLU code, or price lookup number printed on the sticker, tells you how the fruit was grown.

genetically modified foods fruit

As reported by Maria Gallagher, in the June 26, 2002 issue of the Philadelphia Inquirer, by reading the PLU code, you can tell if the fruit was genetically modified, organically grown or produced with chemical fertilizers, fungicides, or herbicides.

Here's how it works:

For conventionally grown fruit, (grown with chemicals inputs), the PLU code on the sticker consists of four numbers. Organically grown fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 9. Genetically engineered (GM) fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 8. For example,

A conventionally grown banana would be:


An organic banana would be:


A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be:


The numeric system was developed by the Produce Electronic Identification Board, an affiliate of the Produce Marketing Association, a Newark, Delaware-based trade group for the produce industry. As of October 2001, the board had assigned more than 1,200 PLUs for individual produce items.

Incidentally, the adhesive used to attach the stickers is considered food-grade, but the stickers themselves aren't edible.

genetically modified foods apple

Do you REALLY know what's in your dinner?

Today, 7 out of every 10 items on grocery stores shelves contain ingredients that have been genetically modified. In other words, scientists are using new technology to transfer the genes of one species to another, and these altered foods are in the market stream. And yet many scientists have concerns about the safety -- to people, wildlife and the environment -- of this process. That's why consumers in Asia and Europe are demanding that their food be free of genetically modified ingredients.

To learn more about food safety, GM (genetically modified) foods and what's wrong with them, and what you can do bring about changes:

Now that you're a better informed consumer, you can make conscious choices about the foods you buy and eat. Next time you go to the store, vote with your dollars!


Education-Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Terence Mckenna: Reclaim Your Mind


Drugs in Drinking Water Mind Control and Others Must Watch

Chemical Dumbing Down of America